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  • The Safe Side | Issue 61

    In this month’s issue, we cover the sentencing of KiwiRail after Interislander ferry Kaitaki lost all propulsion as it approached Wellington Harbour in January 2023. We also look at three other health and safety prosecutions including the first conviction of a safety consultancy under the Health and Safety at Work Act (HASWA), a rare prosecution taken under the old Health and Safety in Employment Act following a tragic death at a church, and the prosecution of a marina operator in Queensland which resulted from an incident where a member of the public fell from a walkway. In addition, we highlight both an urgent WorkSafe warning for dairy farms on the dangers of slide pulsators and WorkSafe’s new Priority Plans that set out which sectors can expect more attention from the regulator over the next two years.

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  • The Safe Side | Issue 60

    This month we report on two recent Maritime New Zealand prosecutions with very different outcomes. The first was against Lyttleton Port Company Limited and resulted in a significant $480,000 fine and a Court ordered Adverse Publicity Order. In contrast, the second went to a trial that ended with a not guilty verdict for the skipper of the charter vessel ‘Enchanter’. We also cover WorkSafe’s media release on the tragic deaths of four farmers in quad bike rollovers in July, and an Industrial Manslaughter conviction in Queensland that led to a massive AU$1.5 million dollar fine for a pool manufacturing company.

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  • The Safe Side | Issue 59

    Company officers are in a unique position to positively influence their organisation’s health and safety performance because they “set the tone” from the top. This month, we look at refreshed guidance released by the Institute of Directors to assist officers in a governance role to exercise their duty of “due diligence” effectively. We also have two articles on recent prosecutions under the Health and Safety at Work Act. One arose after a motorcyclist rode into bungy cords strung across a road for moving stock. The other came about when a worker’s arm was seriously injured in machinery on a mussel harvesting barge. Finally, we look at recent changes for our health and safety regulators with WorkSafe appointing a permanent Chief Executive and three new board members, and Maritime New Zealand taking over responsibility for regulating all of Aotearoa New Zealand’s major ports.

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